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Teeth are made up of three layers of tissue: enamel on the outside, dentin on the inside, and pulp in the centre. Pulp is made up of nerve fibres and blood vessels that keep the tooth vitalized.

You might think that dental pulp is well protected, but it can still become contaminated. If this happens and is not addressed, the tooth may have to be removed. That’s where endodontics comes in.

What is endodontics?

Endodontics treats inflammation and infection inside teeth, especially in the pulp chamber and root canal network. Root canal treatments are the most common endodontic intervention.

Risk factors

Dental pulp can become irritated, inflamed or infected if exposed to the external environment.

When is a root canal treatment required?

  • Tooth affected by a deep cavity
  • Broken tooth
  • Damaged filling
  • Poor oral hygiene

Other factors can lead to pulp irritation, such as trauma or a change in diet.

Pain is the most common symptom of pulp damage. Pain can keep you up at night or be triggered by exposure to hot or cold. Another sign can be difficulty chewing with the affected tooth. There may also be swelling.

If the tooth was struck in a traumatic event, it may become dark in colour.

The procedure

If we determine that you require a root canal treatment , our team will take the time to explain the procedure and the anticipated results.

Root canal treatments are a common, minor surgery performed under local anaesthetic. After the treatment, your tooth will be restored with a permanent filling or crown, depending on its condition.